Catherine Wolf Award
Catherine Wolf, an Elkhart native, was recognized as an outstanding athlete, coach, and teaching during a distinguished 40-year career from 1929 to 1969. In 1934 and 1935, Catherine Wolf was listed as one of the top 10 women tennis players in the nation. During the mid-1930’s, she was considered first among Midwest tennis players. As a coach, her teams were highly successful. Her Elkhart High School tennis teams compiled a 45-2 record from 1930 to 1934. As both a coach and a teacher, she was respected by students for her outstanding competence, loyalty, and devotion.
It is the feeling of the sponsors that no person could better exemplify the foregoing purpose and standard of this award than Catherine Wolf. An athlete of national stature, she was also an inspiration and credit to women in athletic programs in the area before the historic expansion of women’s athletic programs in the Elkhart Community Schools. The committee is proud to adopt her name with full approval of her family.
The purpose of the Catherine Wolf Award is to provide a vehicle through which the Elkhart Community Schools, the Elkhart Truth, and the community may pay due recognition to a woman who, as a student, has made an outstanding contribution to the athletic programs of the Elkhart Community Schools.
This woman should possess the personality, warmth, friendship, moral, and spiritual character typified by good sportsmanship. Recognizing that athletic programs are only one part of school life, she shall also display a conscientious academic record, service to her school, and thoughtful goals for the future.
The Catherine Wolf Award is presented annually to the top high school senior female athlete at Elkhart Community Schools. The following are the Catherine Wolf Award recipients:
- 1979 MARGARET GAVIN Elkhart Memorial
- 1980 JANE ATWOOD Elkhart Memorial
- 1981 BRENDA BUSSE Elkhart Central
- 1982 DJUNA BARNES Elkhart Central
- 1983 CONNIE PETERSON Elkhart Memorial
- 1984 JENNIFER DUBOIS Elkhart Memorial
- 1984 TISH LOVAN Elkhart Central
- 1985 AMY HALES Elkhart Memorial
- 1986 ALICE HOLDEMAN Elkhart Central
- 1987 ROCHELLE KRAUSE Elkhart Central
- 1988 KIM WILKINS Elkhart Memorial
- 1989 DAWN HOOVER Elkhart Central
- 1990 ANGIE ANDREWS Elkhart Central
- 1991 PAT JACKSON Elkhart Memorial
- 1991 CARMEN MACON Elkhart Central
- 1992 LORA RANDOLPH Elkhart Memorial
- 1993 ANGIE ROSS Elkhart Memorial
- 1994 KRISTA HENNINGS Elkhart Memorial
- 1995 LINDSAY BENKO Elkhart Central
- 1996 MELISSA GRIFFEY Elkhart Memorial
- 1997 KRISTEN BECKER Elkhart Central
- 1998 JANICE EDWARDS Elkhart Central
- 1999 JESSICIA VENSTRA Elkhart Memorial
- 2000 ALICIA MILLER Elkhart Central
- 2001 SHAUN MCALLISTER Elkhart Memorial
- 2002 WHITNEY BOLING Elkhart Memorial
- 2003 RANDI OSTERLOO Elkhart Central
- 2004 HAYLEY BOLING Elkhart Memorial
- 2005 ALLISON SEARS Elkhart Memorial
- 2006 KARI BOWLBY Elkhart Central
- 2007 TAWNY DESIMONE Elkhart Memorial
- 2008 NICCI DESIMORE Elkhart Memorial
- 2009 JENNIFER KRUMWIEDE Elkhart Memorial
- 2010 JADA BUGGS Elkhart Memorial
- 2011 HALEY KING Elkhart Memorial
- 2012 ZOE DISORI Elkhart Central
- 2013 HOLLY LEHMAN Elkhart Central
- 2014 KATE COBB Elkhart Central
- 2015 AMANDA DIBLEY Elkhart Central
- 2016 GABI YODER Elkhart Central
- 2017 KRYSTAL GRUBB Elkhart Memorial
- 2018 SABRINA STANLEY Elkhart Central
- 2019 KORTNEY BUCKLEY Elkhart Central
- 2020 MORGAN DYER Elkhart Memorial
- 2021 EMILY ANDERSON Elkhart High
- 2022 MADISON AXSOM Elkhart High
- 2023 ADLEY KEIM Elkhart High
- 2024 AVA DECKER Elkhart High